11-13 April 2022
Work Group 1 (WG1) aims at investigating Machine Learning (ML) techniques in gravitational wave (GW) astronomy applications: classify GW signals, recognise noise and disturbances from the instrument, as well as identify GW signals from known mechanisms and GW signals from yet unknown mechanisms.
More specifically, the goal is to design problem-specific ML pipelines by considering ready-to-use algorithms for solving classical ML tasks (clustering, classification and regression), specific data structures for the development of novel ML algorithms, as well as specific frameworks for the development of GPU-based ML solutions.
The meeting will have a hybrid format and it will take place from 11 to 13 April, 2022, in the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Valencia (Spain).
All the info about the schedule and registration can be found at the web page of the meeting, including the list of speakers who have kindly agreed to join us: https://indico.ego-gw.it/event/370/
Local organizers:
Isabel Cordero-Carrión (University of Valencia)
Samuel Santos-Pérez (University of Valencia)
Michal Bejger (INFN and CAMK)
Annalisa Appice (UniBa)
The recordings of all the talks are available at the following dedicated playlist link: