Brook Preloader


• It shall be submitted online in e-COST using dedicated forms available. Applicants are informed that their application can be accessed by the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.

• Applicants must upload their CV in their e-COST profile. This information will be visible to the by the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.

• The content of the application for Dissemination Conference grant should include:
·· To be filled in e-COST:
– Title of the presentation.
– Conference title, date (within the active Grant Period) and venue.
– Budget requested.
– Attendance Type (face to face or virtual).
·· To be uploaded to e-COST:
– Application form (template available on e-COST) describing alignment with the Action Science Communication plan and Expected impact to the COST Action.
– Copy of the abstract of the accepted oral presentation focused on promoting the scientific achievements and activities being performed by the COST Action.
– Acceptance (or invitation) letter from the conference organisers.
– Other documents required by the Action (e.g. recommendation letter, etc…).

• Implementation of the activity: Grantee delivers the approved oral presentation, actively networks with other participants and promotes the COST Action to the potential stakeholders.

• Reporting and claim for payment of the grant:
·· Once the activity has ended, the grantee submits the required reports and relevant documentation in e-COST within 30 days after the end date of the activity or 15 days after the end of the Grant Period, whichever date comes first.
·· Claims the payment of the grant via e-COST.
·· Required report/documentation:
– Report to the Action MC on the outcome of the presentation, contacts made and potential for future collaborations.
– The certificate of attendance.
– The programme of the conference or book of abstracts / proceedings indicating the oral presentation of the grantee
– Copy of the given presentation.

More info can be found at: